Posted at 20:51h
Before he died, the last time I spoke to my father we were broiling underneath the August sun in section 126 at the old ballpark. All the covered seats at the diamond had sold out, but, despite knowing we’d inevitably get sunburnt, my father had...
Posted at 20:49h
When water melts would it smell like wax
Unlikely: Butter. The oil that won’t come off
I do not see the birds, only their feet, and even then, only the ones missing talons
I’ve been pulling my hair out since I was little, letting it fall from my...
Posted at 20:44h
There is a boat in the middle of a gray and choppy sea. Actually, the boat is more of a raft, tree trunks barely stripped of bark, lashed together with the rawest of rope. Maybe the rope is handmade, too, wild grasses woven together by...
Posted at 20:39h
i’d never had a real coffee until the portuguese bakery on the street corner where concrete peels like dead skin no skateboarding this is toronto is dufferin grove the curb is nicer when it’s made with the opposite intention blankets unfamiliar if everyone is sober...
Posted at 20:30h
an apple is the doorstop.
in lieu of a working lock
it is an invitation,
a trail of pawprints
from stoop to kitchen to hallway
and back again
does it count as smoking inside?
if we pour our lungs to the front porch
and the smoke trails slither
between the chipped green paint,
green skin
Posted at 10:00h
You had a way with words
You knew how to make them hurt
And I fell for you instantly
Like a child
The way that you spoke with grace
And the moonlight on your face
I wish I could show you
I’d be worth your while
So hold me
Like you never meant to
Posted at 14:29h
“Wow. Look at that. I need that. That is so pretty,” Scarlett says, pointing at a billboard in the distance entitled “Sephora Collection: Colourful Eyeshadow.” A half-open circular case of eyeshadow is showcased. Its black border surrounds a clear circular window, encapsulating some sort of...
Posted at 13:06h
It is ending like this.
I am walking from the village to
The Garden.
the grass is green
it is our place to play.
Hope always brings me food
to eat together, oh.
But, I am waiting and waiting
Here, I am sitting here fading.
The wind is blowing the blades
And the cattails are...
Posted at 22:02h
2010. It is Tihar, the Hindu festival of lights. For five days, there are fireworks and rituals and prayers; everything is done for Yama, the god of death. Each day something different is celebrated: first crows, then dogs, cows, oxen, and finally, our brothers. Crows...
Posted at 21:52h
I’d leave the light on,
keep the door unlocked
(but you know where I hide the key,
the backdoor’s always open for
you and Elijah).
there’s a place set --
your glass is upside down,
so the dust never settles.
your empty chair keeps the room
hollow, foggy
through the fall.
I’m sure if you strolled...